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All Students are required to know the Kuk Sul Do Creed. It embodies what all students should aspire for in the training of martial arts and in leading a healthy, rich life.

1. Loyalty and Honor
I will be loyal to my country and honor my parents and elders.

2. Time

Time is precious. I will not waste the time of others nor my own.

3. Cleanliness

I will have pride in my personal appearance and concern for the order and cleanliness of my surroundings.

4. Health

I will maintain health in my mind and body through Kuk Sul Do.

5. Caring

I will cherish the bonds of affection with my family and friends.

6. Economy
I will avoid extravagance and will not waste things needlessly.

7. Honesty and Integrity
I will have the courage to be honest and faithful in all my dealings.

8. Charity
I will be generous to the less fortunate and work for the public good in order to serve my community.

9. Order
I will maintain good order and discipline in accordance with law and tradition.

10. Tenacity
I will strive towards my goals with strong faith in myself and desire to achieve



©Kuk Sul Do 2006 - 2016.  "Kuk Sul Do" and "Yang's Kuk Sul Do Federation" are trademarks of C. Yang.  All rights reserved.